50 Years of Excellence
A Message from Brent Hutchings, CEO
Founded 50 years ago as a builder of jet boats for the wild rivers of southern Oregon, today, North River is the industry’s preferred builder of premium heavy-gauge aluminum boats for recreational, government, and commercial customers. Our company’s long-term success derives from our commitment to diversification across these key customer segments in the U.S. and worldwide.
Customers choose North River because of four pillars that distinguish us from other builders:
The Ride:
North River boats have a proven superior ride based on fine craftsmanship, materials, and components. It takes only one trip on a North River to feel the difference.
Superior Quality:
From expertly crafted, durable welds to gorgeous paint and hardwearing upholstery, North River’s quality is unrivaled. This means your investment lasts.
Vastly Customizable:
Whether a first responder, a Navy SEAL or a salmon fisherman in Alaska, North River customers are able to design the exact vessel they want.
Our People:
As employee-owners, our people have an unmatched commitment to the company’s and its customers’ success. North River customers, in turn, are passionately committed to our brand because they know our boats are exceptional. We are honored to count owners as members of a growing, extended North River family.
North River’s History
Founded in 1974 in Roseburg, Oregon, North River initially built jet boats for river fishermen. This changed with the acquisition of Almar in 2001, which opened the door to building workboats for commercial and military customers. In addition to creating customer diversification that proved crucial to surviving the great recession, the acquisition profoundly impacted our recreational boat offerings. The deep expertise gained from serving customers in the U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard, and commercial customers ranging from fishing guides to pilot vessels empowered us to leverage industrial strength workboat know-how to build the toughest, safest recreational boats in the market.
In 2012, I took over leadership of North River. Together with my wife Chrys, we completed the purchase of the company in 2014. In 2017, we created an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) through which we transferred ownership of a third of the company to employees (at no cost to the employees). Eventually, North River employees will own all of the company.
Looking Ahead
Like our boats, North River is built to last. The company has grown every year since 2012, and we approach 2024 with a committed team of employee-owners serving the most diversified customer mix in our history. North River’s internal design team continues to innovate, bringing new recreational and workboat designs to the market each year. Debt-free, North River has the freedom to devote all of its attention and resources to serving its customers and growing its business. North River stakeholders can proceed with confidence that the company will not be sold.

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